


jaamica nf university
jaasus nm informer(s),
delator(s), spy(-ies)
jabana nf coffee pot
jabdä nf madness, craziness
jabda nm madman
jabdayti nf madwoman
jabdiite vII to be mad,
to be crazy
jaha nf direction, position
jahaara nm incisor tooth
jahannab nm hell
jakket nf jacket
jalba nf canoe, boat
jamaaca nf group
jambil nf basket
jamhuuriya nf republic

janna nf heaven, paradise
jarda nf sword
jardiin nm garden
jariida nf newspaper
jaw nm weather
jawaab nf letter
jaza nf reward, retribution
jaziira nf island, isle
Jibuuti nf Djibouti
jihle nm ignorance
jiib nm pocket
jilde nm dust cover,
dust jacket (of a book,
of an exercise-book)
jograaf nm geography
jubba nf jacket
jumcat nm Friday
junuub nm south
junuun nm jinn, demons,