


qaali nm expensive thing
qaamuus nm dictionary,
qaana nf wall
qaanico nf mosquito(s)
qaanun nm law, rule, regulation
~ qaanun hintiya nm illegal, outlaw
qaanunko iro nm illegality,
qaanun-male vIII to be illegal,
to be outlaw
qaanun-male see qaanun
qaaqha nf species of shrub(s)
qaatsuwa nf young baboon(s)
qabic nm leopard(s)
qabiila nf tribe, clan, people
qabre nm grave
qaca nm common fly(-ies),
qacta nf trigger
qadaab nm sadness
qafo nf 1. beehive
2. small silo for storing grain
(inside the house, into a wall)
qalam nm pen
qalaminthoos nm eucalyptus
‘Long break eucalyptus,
Murray red gum, Red eucalyptus,
Sugar gum, Tasmanian blue gum,
White eucalyptus,
Flooded gum, etc.’
qalatstsiino nf canine tooth
qalbe nm 1. mind 2. heart ~
qalbi-basaaka nf satisfaction
qalbishite vII to focus one’s
attention on sth, to concentrate
qalbishitnan nm attention,
qallaasi nm pivot, joint
qamiisha nf shirt
qamish nf dress ~
qamish-wishthi nf petticoat
qammiice vII to pinch
qammiico nf pinch
qamute nf staring at
(smb or sth), searching, seeking,
looking for
qanna nf music, song
qannishe vII to sing
qarada nm contrast, quarrel,
qaranthith nf bag, cloth bag
qarbat nf skin
qarcat nm place of rest for
flocks and cattle, courtyard, farmyard
qarce nf cleaness; ~ qarce-le
vIII to be clean
qarce-le see qarce
qarcowe vII to become clean
qarcoyshe vII to clean
qarfa nf cinnamon

qarxet nf cover, woven
from dried palm leaf,
used for covering bowls of food
qasban nm by obligation
qasbishe vII to oblige, to force
qasbiya nf obligation
qashasha nm delusion, illusion
qashshe nm Christian priest
qath qaatha nf shiver, shudder
qath qath-erxhe vIV intr to shiver,
to shudder, to tremble, to judder
qatsala nf layer
qatsuwe nf dislocation, sprain
qaxwa nf coffee (beverage)
qayde nm 1. prison 2. the action
to tie the leg to prevent movement
(of animals)
qilba nf north ~ Qilbat-Ameerika
nf North America
Qilbat-Ameerika see qilba
qillacaw nm species of tree(s)
(Euclea schimperi=E.racemosa)
qiltsim nm forearm
qinqin nm trembling, quivering
qinqin-erhxe vIV intr to tremble,
to shake tr qinqin-ishe
qinrib nm 1. eyelash(es)
2. top(s) of an ear of corn
qiraa-a nf reading, learning
qitirti nf peg used to join the beam
of a plough to the ploughshare
qitscat nm punishment
qiyaas nm measurement of the
lenght of sth
qiyar nm changing, shifting
qobba nf 1. Minaret
2. small hill
qoobic nm hat
qoofiyat nf men’s skull-cap
qooqax nm boulder, massif
qorboobac nm part of the yoke
qulfe nm 1. belt 2. button
qunthe nm vagina
Qur-aan nm Koran
qurrub nm ready, prepared
qurse nm breakfast
quwa nf power, force, energy