


ta dem this (near the speaker)!
takke/talle here
taane vII to be tired, to get tired
taaniyo nf tiredness
taariikh nm history
tabab nm species of shrub(s)
(Becium grandiflorum)
tabarruc nm donation, contribution,
grant, gift
tabe vII to cross over, to go across
tabishe vII 1. to transfer, to pass on
2. to transcript, to transmit
3. to infect, to contaminate
tabnan nm 1. transcription
2. crossing over
tabsö nf crossing, bridge
tabso nm being infected, infection,
tacab nm suffering, pain, effort,
tiredness, fatigue
tacliim nm education, instruction,
tacriifa nf coin
tacziya nf honouring, celebrating
tafjiir nm munition
tafsiir nm interpretation, translation
takale nf cause, reason
takare vII to hang
takarnan nm hanging
takke see ta
takle nm plant(s)
talafoon nm telephone
talle see ta
talule nm rolling (of a carpet,
a paper, etc)
tamaa dem that
taman num ten ~ taman ya/matammana
num tenth
tamre nm date palm(s) (Phoenix dactylifera)
tamuttukem nm projectile
tanaka nf tin, can
tandur nm stove for baking bread; ~
tandur-folo nf kind of bread
tanto nf tiredness
taraafik nm traffic
tarjama nf interpretation, translation rel
to turjumaan, unturjume, uturjume,
tastaa nm ox, bullock
tasxiix nm correction, adjustment
tathawwur nm progress, civilization,
taxag nm type of grass
taxsaas nm December
tazkira nf memory
tee1 pos her
tee2 pr (short non-subject form) her
tee3! pt ‘Hey!’ (said to a woman)
teelo nf nutrition
teker nm sauce
tekerishe vII to dunk (the bread)
telefeerikka nf cable-car
televiziyon nf television
temmelekko nm species of tree(s)
(Celtis africana)
ten1 pos their
ten2 pr (short non-subject form)
tena pr (long non-subject form)
tenda nf tentpl tendad/tenod
termometer nf thermometer
Teseney nf (city of) Tesseney
teya pr (long non-subject form) her
teyya pr (long non-subject form) her
thaabita nf kind of bread
thaagiya nf cap
thabaashir nm chalk
thabab nm project, plan, invention
thabiica nf nature
thacasa nf regret, remorse
thahaara nf 1. ablution, cleaning
2. circumcision
thalaaqh nm divorce
thalume nm abandonment, desertion,
thammaac nm stingy person
tharaaco nf complaint, claim
tharaf nm part, side
tharbats nm hurry, urgency, speed
tharmuuz nf bottle (of glass)
thawla nf table
thayyaara nf aeroplane (airplane)
pl thayyaarar m ~ thayyaarat-boorha
nf airport
Thilyaan nm Italian
thimmiiqho nf drop(s)
thimmiqh-erhxe vIV intr to
drip tr thimmiqh-ishe

thinqaaqhe nf care, attention, caution
thinqillico nf spark
thiqqimti nf October
thiraa pt always
thircaan nm complaining, claiming
thirqo nf 1. drop(s) 2. a few, a little
thirre nm January
thoob nm brick(s)
thufeena nf saliva
thuf-erhxe vIV intr to spit (saliva)
thummut nm certainty !
thummutuh certainly
thummutuh see thummut
thurraafe nf packing, putting together
thurumba nf trumpet
thuth nm cotton
thuufa nf spit (of saliva)
Tigre nf Tigre
Tigrigna nf Tigrinya
tika nm smoke
tikib nm species of acacia(s)
tikilbe nf species of shrub(s)
or small tree(s) (Pterolobium stellatum)
tikkayshe vII to smoke
tikket nf ticket
tiklo nf 1. planting 2. Foundation
(of a house)
tiko nf kite
tillaabe vII to pass through, to go by
, to surpass
tillab nm passing, transmission,
passing up
tillallaabe vII to transmit frequently
tillallaabishe vII 1. to cause
to transmit frequently
2. to be transparent
timbaakiyot nf millipede
timbaako nf tobacco
timnit nf desire, wish, will
tiraakter nf tractor
tiraare nf strongness, hardness
tiraw nm liver
tire vII to jump, to skip
tirim nm jump, skip
tirishshi nf machine-gun
tirnan nm jumping, skipping
tishshu nf tissue (in biology)
titaanos nf tetany
tittiya pr rec 1. each other
2. one by one
tiyaatir nm theatre
tiyak see tiya
to dem that (near the addressee) !
togedda since, tokkelle/tolle
there cf amaa, ay1, oo/woo, ta, too
tokkat nf arm-band
tokla nm type of wolf
too dem that (remote from the
speaker and the addressee)
tooba nf repentance
toohille! /toolle there
torhonka nf speech defect,
speech impediment
tsabre nf waiting
tsaclawaalid nm type of grass
tsafco nf slap
tsafuce vII to slap
tsagar nm joke
tsaggarowe vII to joke, to tell jokes
tsamuqhe nm 1. wringing, squeeze
, filtration 2. summary
tsaxla nm earthen pot
tsaxya nf heap of stones
tsaxyaa nm weed
tseefa nf corner of the eye
tsexreriteena nf temple
tsiiqha nf spit (of saliva or water)
tsiiqh-erhxe vIV intr to spit out
(saliva or water)
tsiixil nm sand
tsiret nm cleaness, tidiness,
tsirga nf road
tsummaaqh nm fruit-juice
tuffaax nm apple(s)
tufrha nf washing one’s face
tuful nm thread
tugtug nf motor-cycle
tukan nm flea(s)
tukkununnu nm circle
turjumaan nm translator
tuumaare vII to make a sign,
to mark
tuumar nm mark, identifying