


ubbuxute vI to own, to possess,
to have
ubka nf birth rel to maabako, ooboke ~
ubkat-lellec nm birthday,
ubkat-makaano nf birthplace
ubkat-lellec see ubka
ubkat-makaano see ubka
uble vI to see
ucbude vI to worship, to adorate
uckure vI to store
ucluwe vI to escape, to flee,
to run away
ucrufe vI to rest
ucundhuwe vI to become small
ucussube vI to become new,
to be refreshed
udduuniya nf the world
udhdhurhe vI to become short
udluse vI to become thick,
to become stout
udruse vI to learn
udumdume vI to become blunt,
to become not sharp
ufayle nf living thing(s)
uffutute vI to stretch one’s legs
ufkune vI 1. to turn (intr)
2. to turn ones head towards,
to face towards
ufuca nm cough
ufuce vII to cough
ugra nf hit
ugshuwe vI to thin out (seedlings)
ugut nm 1. standing 2. departure
ugute vII 1. to get up, to stand up,
to wake up 2. to depart imp
uguugus nm incitement
uguuguse vII to incite, to spur,
to implicate
ugux nm pen, stable for little
animals (sheep, goats)
ujjuure vI to shift (tr)
ukhdume vI to serve, to work
ukhluqhe vI to create
uktube vI to write
ukummuse vI to crouch (down),
to squat
ukunkune vI to shiver,
to shudder
ukuskuse vI to weed, to hoe,
to turn over (the soil)
ukuxdude vI to squat, to crouch
ukuxkuxe vI to knock
ulah pt alone
ulle-ulle nm descent
ulluse vII to put down, to unload
uluc nm intestine
uluuse vI to knead, to mix
uma vIII to be bad
umaani nf badness, wickedness,
evil, sin
umbah pt so
umbuka ind all
umbulluwe vI to appear, to be seen
umcuge vI to be buried
umla nf woman in childbirth ~
umlat-ina nf midwife
umlaalo nf birth (process of birth),
umman ind all, every! ummando
almost, little bit, ummangedda
always, ummangeddabalih usually,
like always, as usual, ummanikkelle/
ummanille/ ummanirkelle everywhere,
ummantiya everybody, everyone
ummando see umman
ummangedda see umman
ummangeddabalih see umman
ummanikkelle see umman
ummanille see umman
ummanirkelle see umman
ummantiya see umman
umrure vI to be dissolved, amrar,
aymarar, uymurure, ussumurrure ~
amrurinnexe macaasha nf
undigested food
umudhdhuwe vI to be tied,
to be prisoned
umule vII to bear (a child)
umun nm faithful person
umundhuce vI to sink
umxukume vI 1. to be medicated
2. to be judged
undhuce vI to swallow
undufule vI 1. to fight, to struggle
2. to work hard, to toil
unkoh ind all, entirely,
as a whole, both
unnaya vIII to be wet
unnaye vII to become wet
unnayshe vII to wet
unqule vI to copy
unquse vI to be decreased,
to be subctrated

unqutstsuwe vI to get dislocated,
to sprain
unraye vII to smell (intr),
to stink
unrayshinnan nm smelling
unrayshite vII to smell (tr),
to sniff
untufurhe vI to wash one’s face
unug nm species of tree(s)
(Albizia amara)
uqhlufe vI to lock, to shut,
to close, to button
uqhruse vI to breakfast
uqqususe vI to repeat
uray nm 1. work, activity
2. celebration for a dead person, funeral
~ uray-manga nf business
ure1 nm smell, odour, scent,
sens of smell
ure2 vII to be well, to recover
from sickness
urgufe vII to shake off
urgufnan nm shaking
urgufo nf the act to shaking
urhaarhe nf shortness
urhurha vIII to be short ~
urhurh-waqhte nm moment
urhuwe vI to tie, to bind
urhxurhe vI to pin (basket)
urkute vI to become weak,
to become thin
urnan nm recovery (from an illness)
urtuufa nm the year before last year
uruse vII to cure
urxude vI to slaughter, to butcher
uscussube vI to repair, to refresh (tr)
usfure vI to measure out,
to measure the weight of
ushshurufe vI to change money
ushtuqhule vI to serve, to work
uskute vI to rub with butter,
to grease, to anoint
usluge vI 1. to defeat
2. to be acquitted
usmuqhe vI to wring out,
to squeezeimp asmuqhe
ussuxuttute vI to wonder,
to surprise, to amaze
ustaaz nm teacher (male)
ustaaza nf teacher (female)
usuk pr he
usulxune vI to become smooth
usun pr they
usxukume vI to medicate,
to treat
utka nf 1. hit 2. shot
utlule vI to furl, to roll up
uturjume vI to interpret,
to translate
uxfuse vI to scoop up (with a scoop
or by hand)
uxkume vI 1. to rule 2. to decide,
to judge, to give a sentence
uxmude vI to praise
uxmuge vI to bleed (tr)
uxruse vI to plough/plow
uxtume vI to close, to close up,
to plug, to block
uxulkuse vI to make enemies,
to create enmity/hostility
uxullufe vI to measure in cubits
(a cubit extends from the elbow to the
uxun nm wasp
uxurtume vI to be angry,
o be annoyed
uybulluwe vI to show
uybuxute vI to give out, t
o consign
uydumdume vI to blunt,
to cause to be not sharp
uyduruse vI to teach,
to educate
uymurure vI to dissolve
uynuqhuse vI to subtract,
to deduct
uyshushshule vI to joke
uysulxune vI to smooth out
uzuure vI to visit (friends, places),
to wander about